Monday, August 24, 2009

taboo bromance

Today I came to a startling and odd realization: I have a bromance. Now, for all you who dont know what that is, its when two males become bffs. Since stating "Man, your my BFF," is so un manly, its simply stated that they have a 'bromance.' Since I lack the requirements to be a male it suprised that i can also have a bromance, not with one of my female friends, but with a guy. Yes, its true. Men and woman can be friends and not suffer akward sexual tensions. My bromance is with a guy who I will call Michael. I was in the same squad as him and he got me to understand that the army isn't something you can defeat or rebel against; nor do you have to become a docile lil drone monkey to it either, you just have to play the game to suceed. When I first met this man I felt nothing but hatred and contempt towards him. How dare he tell me, Casey Jean, what to do and how to succeed? What did he know that I didn't know in my 18 years of living on the hard streets of suburbia and privelege? Lets just say that he fucked me up a good many times until I saw the light...while rolling in mud and grass wearing my gear at the range. Yes, he caped the shit out of me to the point where i wanted to scream, give up, or kill him. Then he issued me a tiny little challenge in a mocking voice, he said 'Jean, you aren't strong enough for the army are you? Your just going to give up and be weak.' Well thats when I saw the light. Fuck it! I will succeed and stick it to you, you bastard!!' What I didn't understand at that point is that the reason why he did what he did was to make me succeed. So the hatred came grudgy respect, and then when we parted companies a friendship formed. Now we call eachother once every other month or so and talk about... well everything and nothing. After we hang up, I know that next time he calls he will tell me stories of his single life, and I will tell him married life, throw insults at one another and then carry on as if i'm one of his guys. Remember it is taboo for a married female to have a single male as a friend, so we are not friends, but have a bromance.

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